Behind the Scenes: DIY Photo Backdrop

Behind the Scenes: DIY Photo Backdrop

Hello Makers!

We’re pulling back the curtains behind something that has become near and dear to our heart – our Craft Wall. So, we launched our first craft wall at the second Craft Savvy Market. As makers it was really important to us to include a handmade piece that reflected our love for artistry and provided our attendees an opportunity to capture their time at the market.

Fast forward to our last market. The very first thing we did was search for inspiration pieces. The founders, Charlene, Mina, Jandi and I texted each other possible considerations and cast our vote on our favorite designs. The inspiration piece below from a Pinterest search was the hands down winner. Next we ordered the supplies and mapped out how we would create the wall.

It took at least six hours from start to finish to complete the project. We first spent a lot of time mapping out the look. We then divided the work and completed the wall. We kept in mind that the piece needs to not just look beautiful but also hold up for the entire market. The last thing we needed was to have leaves or our logo signage falling on someone’s head.

We were so proud of the final project. Our Craft Wall was an integral piece of our market that reflected our love for handmade artistry and it gave our attendees an opportunity to capture the market experience.

Hope you will consider adding a handmade craft wall or handmade craft element to your next Maker’s event. If you do and share on social media, please tag us. We would love to see your creation.

by Ciatta-Mae Stubblefield

Craft Savvy Market #3 – Lessons Learned Part 2 (Finally)

Craft Savvy Market #3 – Lessons Learned Part 2 (Finally)

We held our third Craft Savvy Market on April 13,2019 and this market superseded our expectations in so many ways. Everything from our spectacular vendors, to our customers, volunteers made the event one of our best. Below, we wrap up and share part 2 of our lessons learned. Check us out in Instagram and Facebook @craftsavvymarket to see more pictures and videos from the event.

Third Time’s A Charm – Lessons Learned Craft Savvy Market #3


After every market, I breathe a big sigh of relief and then I have this desire to lay on the couch for one day straight. Please refrain from judging me! Craft Savvy Market #3 was no different. I was still exhausted, but I did not need as much time to recuperate. Here are three things I learned from our third market:

  1. Ditch It If It Doesn’t Work – For this market, I love that we were not afraid to ditch some practices that did not work for us during the first two markets.  For example, we decided to change the time of the market. For the first two markets, our hours were 11-4. For this market, we looked at our data and we decided to alter the time and I’m glad we did. Sometimes we are afraid to make changes because we often times don’t have a guarantee of success. But one thing is for sure: If you never try, you’ll never know. If it isn’t working, ditch it and try a new strategy. The worse that could happen is that you learn from your experience. The best that could happen is that you see the success you dreamed about.
  2. Develop A Process  One of the things we tried to do for our third market was to streamline our processes. This inspired me because developing a process is the first step to becoming more efficient at a task.  A process saves us from starting from scratch every time. We worked hard this time around to analyze the feedback we received from our previous markets and make applicable changes and create processes where needed. We also were careful to document processes and refine the steps needed for various tasks.  This is applicable to any task we choose to undertake in our own lives. Develop a process and give it a try. If you find that the process needs tweaking, make adjustments and keep going.   It’s always easier to start with a baseline.
  3. Build A Team – For this market, I learned the value of building a team. As a crafter, we sometimes get in the habit of working solo – my idea, my execution, my work, etc. For our third market, we were more intentional about building a team of supporters and volunteers. This made the day of the market much smoother. Instead of being pulled in multiple directions, we were able to focus on fewer tasks and make more of an impact on those tasks.

by Jandi Harris

3 Lessons I Learned from CSM #3
1. After speaking with some vendors, I realized we are making a great impact. Some first time

vendors were excited to be a part of our event because of the connections they were able to make and the exposure they were able gain. It definitely feels great to be aligned with such an inspiring event.

Craft Savvy Market
2. Secondly,I learned to always leave room for the unexpected things. No matter how well an event is planned,  it is impossible to cross all the “T’s” and dot all the “I’s”. There are some things will be beyond my control.


For example, some key people confirmed that they would attend and on the day of ended up cancelling. At that point it was too late to make other arrangements, so we had to improvise. There were other areas where we had to think quickly and develop a solution on the spot. At the end of the day, it all worked out. This market taught me to  do my very best and let God will take care of the rest.


3. Thirdly,  I realized the power of team work and learned the importance of having a strong and reliable team. The old adage “Team work makes the dream work” was truly in action at Craft Savvy Market #3 on April 13. I am grateful and thankful to everyone (vendors, staff, venue, and my Craft Savvy Sisters) for making this the best market yet.


by Mina Mantor

3 Ways to Beat Your Creative Block

3 Ways to Beat Your Creative Block

There’s nothing worse than wanting to create, but not having the inspiration to create. Sometimes it feels like being stuck in the middle of a highway with no hope of getting rescued.  But no worries! We have you covered. Here are three ways to beat your creative block.

  1. Plan Ahead

Take some time to consider what you want to create. If it is something you already know how to do, go ahead and get your materials together. There’s nothing worse than wanting to create and being plagued with too many decisions. When you are ready to create, start with the projects for which you have materials you have on hand.



2.Tidy Up your workspace

When I am feel stuck in my craft life, I take a few minutes to tidy up my workspace. It not only inspires me when my space is clean, it also allows me to see the tools and materials I have. Typically, once I can actually see what I have, inspiration is soon to follow.  

  1. Show up anyway.

One of the worse things we can do during creative blocks is to quit. This means that even when the ideas are not flowing, I still suggest that you stick to your craft appointment. Maybe you won’t love the first or second thing you create, but one thing is sure: As you show up, inspiration will find her way into your craft room, into your mind and eventually, she will show up in your creation.

If crafting is a part of your business, then you definitely cannot afford to wait for inspiration to show up. You can show up expecting to get fresh ideas, fresh inspiration- show up and start working. Think of it this way, if our creative block is a wall, then we must be climbing in order to get over the wall. Staying inactive keeps us stuck and will not enable us to scale the wall.



How do you beat your creative block?

New Year, New Creative

New Year, New Creative

New Year, New Creative
By – Ciatta-Mae Stubblefield

“When creativity is seen as a luxury or something we do when we have spare time, it will never be cultivated. When I make creating a priority, everything in my life works better”.

When I came across this statement while reading Brene Brown’s “The Gifts of Imperfection”, I inhaled truth and exhaled hope (sidebar-This book is life changing). She was right. I had plenty ideas about being creative but between the never ending laundry and the sink that always seemed full of dishes, creativity took a back seat. But something deep inside of me longed for the peace that you receive by making time to express yourself creatively. So in this new year, I want to make time to cultivate creativity.

Here are three things I plan to do to make time for my craft life.

1. Create space – Set up an area that you can gather all your creative supplies, tools and materials. Whether it’s a craft bucket or craft desk, place everything in an area so you don’t have to run around when you make the time. Think about what you can do to make the area a space that reflects your unique personality.

2. Create time- If this does bundles for refreshing our souls, then we gotta make the time. Sometimes projects may be spontaneous but other times we just have to carve out regular time on our calendar and protect that time.

3. Create community – Find people who will celebrate your love of creativity. Come out to our Craft Savvy Market on March 10th and meet other creatives. Find a friend or two and throw a craft party. You could join a local meet up group or  connect with a Facebook group. Whatever you do, connect with other creatives.

Let’s make this year our most creative year ever!