Why you need processes & systems to grow your handmade business

Why you need processes & systems to grow your handmade business

By: Charlene Dunbar

Processes and systems are not the first things that come to mind when you think about the fun parts of running a handmade business, but they are so important to the health of your business. As your business grows, having the right processes in place can make the difference between staying stuck vs scaling your business to the next level.

We had the pleasure speaking with Cashemawo Thompson of @cashemawo on a recent IG Live about how embracing processes helped to shift her mindset and grow her online wellness business. Listen to her story here and check out her tips on simple ways to build process into your small business.

The importance of having business processes
A conversation about the power of business processes with
Cashe Thompson of Cashemawo Yoga

What processes are you currently using in your small business? How have they helped you?

Bird by Bird and Bit by Bit

Bird by Bird and Bit by Bit

Bird by Bird and Bit by Bit

by: Ciatta-Mae Stubblefield

Bird by Bird and Bit by Bit by Ciatta-Mae Stubblefield

I was on an airplane bound for Liberia in 2016 when I first read “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott. As a writer I knew it was a must-read on multiple top 5 books for writers. After reading it, I didn’t realize how Lamott’s non-nonsense, comical focus on writing would catapult my writing life forward. Fast forward two years, it has been in this current season of my life where this book has hit me the most – and it’s not even on my writing life. The title comes from a story Lamott shares in which her dad advised her brother to take a big project one step at a time or “Bird by Bird”. I’m in a season of my life where when I feel like I am doing the most, I take steps to reduce my load Bird by Bird, step by step and bit by bit.

For the past month my full time job as a teacher has been overwhelming. Add to that managing my house and prepping for Craft Savvy Market, I sometimes feel like I am running on empty and accomplishing very little. In order to not just survive but thrive, I had to take a deep breath and move forward bird by bird and bit by bit.

Moving forward at my day job – While I thoroughly enjoy my day job, God did not put me on this earth solely to teach. My current day job not the place where God will fully use me to accomplish the greater purposes for my life. I know this deep in my heart and deep in my spirit. This means I really don’t need to exhaust myself at work because I have to reserve my energy for the activities which will lead me to fulfilling my purpose. That doesn’t mean I don’t give my all at work not does this mean I cannot make an impact at work. It means I cannot overspend myself and I need to be more focused. I’m taking better inventory of what really needs to be done and then I do just that. That means I really don’t need to be chatting it up with other teachers like Lisa or Bobby. Instead I need to be at my desk focusing on getting the job done as swiftly as possible so I can move on to activities that truly grow my gifts and talents. I really can’t afford to get overwhelmed at work. I need to take inventory of my work, take each project one step at a time, remember that my current job is not my final destination and govern myself accordingly.

Moving forward with chores at home – I often feel like laundry at home is my arch nemesis. Undershirts, dresses, pants, shirts…. it just keeps piling up and piling up. Laundry just keeps coming in from all angles. But the truth is, I have the power to control my workload at home. I really don’t need to spend an afternoon doing laundry. I just need to complete it one step at a time. So instead of getting overwhelmed with baskets of laundry, I now set a timer. I work for 15 minutes to attack the laundry basket and do what I can. At the end of fifteen minutes, I walk away. It’s just that simple. Walk away from the basket. I also delegate laundry tasks to my daughters. Let them get in on the fun too!

Bit by bit. Step by step.

Moving forward with a craft market – Last year as I was prepping for Craft Savvy Market, I learned how NOT to prepare for a market. DO NOT wait until the last minute to complete projects. It will NOT come together. I repeat, it will NOT come together. In preparation of the upcoming November market, I committed to starting early and pacing myself by doing a little bit at a time. I learned to write down ideas I have and consider a real time plan for completing the projects. Every idea does not have to be implemented at every market. Save some ideas for down the road. It is more helpful to complete a craft project feeling whole and healthy then to take on too much and feel rushed and frazzled.

Bit by bit. Step by step. We’ve got this!