7 Reasons to give your Instagram business page a second look

7 Reasons to give your Instagram business page a second look

By: Charlene Dunbar

You probably already have an IG business page and are a pro at posting product images, interacting with customers and scoping out competitors. Here are 7 reasons to take a second look at your IG business page and invest time and energy to get it to the next level of driving sales for your small business.

# 1 – Your customers are already hanging out on IG…and they’re ready to make a purchase.

According to AdEspresso, 1 out of 3 of Instagram’s 1 billion users have purchased an item they first saw on IG.  Users also spend an average of 53 minutes/day on the platform.  When it comes to marketing, it’s wise to go where the people are.

#2 – Easy to build community and establish trust with your customers

People buy from people they know, like and trust. I can count at least 5 bloggers I’ve bought stuff from not because I needed it, but because they were my friends in my head.  Engaging with your audience on IG can draw your tribe in, lead to referrals and help customers to trust you.

Increasing Instagram engagement

#3 – Able to attract customers who are seeking a solution to a problem

When users search for a topic or product they’re interested in, hashtags help your content to end up in their feed even if they don’t follow you.  That makes it easy to build followers organically, who can eventually become paying customers.

#4 – Get clues about what customers want

IG has been helpful as a feedback channel for my clothing brand. I’ve gauged interest on new styles and selected color offerings based on IG story poll responses and engagement level to posts.  Are you using your IG feed to gather insights on customer preferences and interests?

#5 – Make it easy for customers to contact you

Customers have often DM’d me on IG and then immediately made a purchase after I answered their question.  Top of page contact info on IG removes the pain of having to dig through an online store for info, which makes it easier for customers to make a purchase decision.

Instagram Audience Engagement

#6 – Make a great first impression on customers and collaborators

Major brand collaboration opportunities have come to me through my Instagram feed. Beside that, then we’re evaluating vendors to accept for our in-person markets, the first place we look is their IG feed.  That feed gives a snapshot of the brand and what we see (or don’t see) there can be a deciding factor in moving to the next step.    

#7 – IG is a powerful storytelling tool

If marketing is all about telling stories that your audience identifies with, then IG is a storyteller’s playground. Are you leveraging your feed, stories, IG Live and IGTV to show your audience what your brand stands for and how it fits into their life?

Having an intentional presence on Instagram is a smart way to let customers discover your brand and make repeat purchases from you. How would you rate your IG business page? Are you getting the maximum effect from it, or could it be improved to grow your business? Are you tired of guessing what you need to do next to strengthen your page? Sign up now for our “Up My ‘Gram Game” IG effectiveness audit. We understand the challenge and importance of taking your IG page to the next level and want to help with that.