Three Hobbies in 2020

Three Hobbies in 2020

“Find three hobbies you love – one to make you money, one to keep you in shape and one to be creative.

When I first read this quote on Pinterest, it really resonated with me. As makers we go hard for our passion. Chances are our craft  is something we could do all day.  But how nice would it be just to create something for the love of  creating. If  you already have other creative pursuits, maybe you can look to adding one more to your wheelhouse.

Here are five websites for some new hobbies to stretch your creative muscles and gain fresh mojo as a maker.

Candle Making

Soap Making

Hand Knitting

Hand Lettering

Making Body Scrubs

Now I’m off to find hobbies to keep me in shape.

by Ciatta-Mae Stubblefield