5 Types of Content to Share with your Audience

5 Types of Content to Share with your Audience

Content is the name of the game. We have to develop content for social media platforms, newsletters, press and sometimes it can be overwhelming. If you’ve ever felt like what else can I say to my audience, here are 5 ideas of content you can share:

  1. Share your business story – Tell your audience how you got started and share your why. You can even break up the content and share snippets of it from time to time.
  2. Share your inspiration – Share the things that have inspired your creations. Inspiration can come from our loved ones, art, encounters, etc. . Be sure to tell the story of why / how you were inspired.
  3. Share video content – Get creative with video content and share multiple aspects of your business including your processes, successes, and struggles. It’s all a part of the journey and believe it or not, your audience wants to know more of your story.
  4. Share your Maker Tools – As a maker, you have a huge advantage over those who don’t create their own products. You have the privilege of sharing multiple facets of your products. Why not share the tools that help you create your beautiful products. Share your first encounter with a specific tool or the history of the tool. Put a little thought into it and see how many ways you can share your tools.
  5. Share Details about You – I know…most times we’d rather just put our products out there and stay behind the scenes; however, sharing some interesting or little known facts about yourself helps your customers to connect with you. The more they connect, the more they trust your brand.

What are some top content you share with your customers?