Craft Savvy Market #2 – Lessons Learned Part 1

Craft Savvy Market #2 – Lessons Learned Part 1

We held our second Craft Savvy Market on November 3, 2018 and we had a blast. Apply to be a vendor for our upcoming market here.

We gave you our Market #1 reflections and thoughts (here and here) and Market #2 will be no different. Reflection allows us to the opportunity to identify what works for us and the things that do not work. As a team, we have incorporated reflection as a necessary practice because it allows us to look back and improve as well as celebrate. 


The Power of A Gathering – Lessons From CSM #2

What l learned most from CSM is the “power of a gathering”. While we planned hard for the market and organized as much as we could, there are some things that you can never really plan but those things show up organically on Market Day. I knew the market would be successful but I truly underestimated the power of gathering a group of like minded makers. It is wonderful to make goods with your hands and then bring it to a space where others are doing the same. We were not just selling goods, we were affirming that there is value in what we made. When you look at the current marketplace or even glance historically into the past, some people may not see signs that they have value or that what they produce has value. But there is value in what we make and we do have value.

At the market I could purchase multiple butters, jewelry, clothes, cards and accessories – all handmade, all beautiful. I could purchase African black soap, butters made with an understanding of eczema, earrings with bright colors and Ankara fabric everywhere.

Purchasing those items didn’t add value, but the fact that a maker crafted these products and had a space to share it with the world, affirmed the value. I’m excited for the next market and will definitely be bringing more items to sell, but I also look forward to experiencing the joy of gathering by purchasing one of a kind goods from a multitude of talented makers.

Ciatta- Mae 


Trusting God More – Lesson From CSM #2

This Craft Savvy Market was special because it felt like we had graduated from kindergarten to the first grade! After tasting success in the first market, we had confidence to believe for more, ask for more and expect more. And we did. We set higher goals and prayed bigger prayers. To our delight, we grew substantially, more than tripling our vendors and doubling our RSVPs!

Our second market taught, no, SHOWED me how to trust God more for my business.

Sometimes business and God are weird for me. I feel like there’s a laundry list of more appropriate things I should be asking God for. But the truth is, God cares about every facet of my life and wants to be glorified in my business, not just the “spiritual” or church stuff. For this market (as we did for the first), we prayed, fasted and stood on God’s promises from scripture. As we consistently looked to God and saw His provision and presence in our work, I grew more confident and comfortable in doing the same in my own business. Some lessons are best learned by example.

Thank you, Craft Savvy sisters!



Craft Savvy Market Decatur


Read Part 2 of our Lessons Learned from Market #2.