How To Establish Boundaries as a Handmade Business Owner

How To Establish Boundaries as a Handmade Business Owner

Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries. The lack of them could cause a lot of inner anger. The presence of them will likely help you stay sane and a lot more content.

Here are 4 ways you can establish in your handmade business:

  1. Determine start and end times for your tasks – Figure out how much time you can allot to your task and set a timer. Do your best to work with minimal distractions and when the timer is up, move on to other things. This will help ensure that you are not sucked into the time stealing vacuum, which leads to us not having time for other important things.
  2. Take a break or vacation. You deserve it. – Sometimes you may need a break from social media, from work, from making and you have to give yourself permission to take that break. It’s okay; everything will be there when you come back.
  3. Ask for Help – Too many times, we try to be super human and do everything by ourselves. Asking for help doesn’t mean that you are not strong or capable. It just means that you recognize your limits and that you will not exhaust yourself. Asking for help or sometimes hiring help will allow you pour time into other things that you value.
  4. Say No- Saying no will help to ensure that you do not overextend yourself. One question to ask yourself as you determine if you should say yes: Will saying yes prevent me from focusing on something that’s more important? If the answer is yes, then you should say no. You may feel guilty at first, but eventually, you will be much happier because you will spend your time doing the things that matter to you.

What other boundaries have you set that help you succeed?