3 Changes You Can Make Now to Improve Your Year

3 Changes You Can Make Now to Improve Your Year

We all come into the new year with new aspirations and goals we want to achieve. Sometimes we focus on the big goals and neglect the smaller ones. We want to remind you of three changes you can start to make right now that will yield results in your personal and business life.

  1. Step Up Your Consistency – Are you consistent in any habit that you want to develop or that you need to develop? Can your tribe count on you to deliver a service or a product consistently? Consistency may mean daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Whatever you define it to be for the area you desire to grow in, it is important to stick with it. If you want to reach out to family more, set a schedule (i.e. I will reach out to three family members each week) and stick to it as much as possible. If it is a business goal, define your parameters and go for it.
  2. Value Yourself More – The way we value ourselves typically will set the pace for how others value us. Whether in business or relationships, we can’t expect others to see more in us than we see in ourselves. Placing more value on yourself may mean that you invest in your self more, change your self talk, or reevaluate the way you see yourself.
  3. Clear the Clutter – The more clutter we get in our lives, the more desensitized we get to it. Clutter can be our thoughts, our email, our physical space or anything that hinders us from being our best selves, anything that can potentially be a mental or creative block for us. Block out an hour or more if you can spare and pick one cluttered aspect that you can clear out.

Small steps will lead to big yields. You can’t do it all at once, but you can do something. What else would you add to this list?